关于版本: GRUB2 使之版本号为1.98之后的grub;GRUB legacy(版本为0.97)是指GRUB,而非GRUB2 检测版本: $ grub-install -v grub-install (GNU GRUB 1.98-1ubuntu10) GRUB2与GRUB的区别: 1.GRUB...
What does it mean: apt-get with caret (^)
I was confused about this for quite a long while, but now I find the answer and I am going to let you know. 我也曾为此问题困扰很久,直到最近我才直到答案,现分享给大家: A past post of mine ment...
Core i3, Core i5, Core i7的区别(Differences among Core i3, Core i5, Core i7)
#dark table, #dark td, #dark th{border:1px solid #003;} #dark th, #dark td{text-aligh:center; vertical-align:middle;} #dark td{font-size:12px; color: #003;} Series Core i3 5...