引言 最近,访问外网出现不稳定的频率有所提升,随之而来的是 Windows 10 客户端 和 Office 365 客户端也出现了奇奇怪怪的问题: Windows 10 右下角显示“地球”图标,并提示“无Internet”,但是实际上国内网站都...
Copy sparse directory over ssh
scp can copy directory over ssh, but sparse parameter is not supported (unlike cp). To efficiently copy directory with sparse files, use tar and ssh instead. # Copy "images" directory to re...
树莓派 Raspbian 家长控制
功能说明 该脚本能够监控指定网络设备,如网络电视、机顶盒等,访问树莓派,不限服务(包括SMB, NFS等)。典型场景是机顶盒访问树莓派文件共享服务。 该脚本使网络设备只能在一段时间内,默认1小时,访问树莓派...
Windows 10 1709 那些值得注意的变化
Win10 1709的 Get-WindowsUpdateLog 不再需要联网获取符号库 https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/mniehaus/2017/10/10/improved-windows-update-log-formatting-with-windows-10-1709/ Win10 1703默认...
screenrc configuration example
This is an example of .screenrc configuration file. Just for your reference. .screenrc # Bind F11 and F12 (NOT F1 and F2) to previous and next screen window bindkey -k F1 prev bindkey -k F...
Mount VHD at Windows startup with PowerShell
Create a scheduled task Command: %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe Parameter: -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -file "C:\VHD\mountVHD.ps1" Powershell Script to mount VHD Me...
The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed
Introduction You might have encountered this error message many times: "The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed". The general solution is dis-joining and re...
WDS PXE issue: PXE-E16: No offer received
Issue Description: The problem server installed the follwing roles: WDS DHCP WSUS RRAS (Route and Remote Access Service) The WDS service is configured with Active Directory integrated, ev...
Test Peer to Peer Connection Speed with iperf3
Hi! I am writing to explain how to test your network connection between your client (Windows or Linux) and another client (say, a remote server). The tool is iperf version 3. You can find some u...
FreeRadius3 of CentOS7: [sql] = notfound
Problem (0) sql : expand: "%{User-Name}" -> 'demo' (0) sql : SQL-User-Name set to 'demo' rlm_sql (sql): Reserved connection (4) (0) sql : expand: "SELECT id, username, attribute, ...